I'll not argue about some points since are just polemical , so here are SOME of my considerations on a couple ones.
3) many modern motion graphics require those things, like the overflowing text.
4) there are tons of cases where Anchors are useful as blocks, especially for increased Usability. (See clickable cards).
7) Again, good luck if you want to adapt to contemporary aesthetics, or simply you don't care about SEO. You both lose the alt and indexing. (obviously speaking of content-images. who cares of silly decorations).
8) Guess what, even fricking Amazon and Google use JS to control their mobile menu. But here we have Jason Knight, who knows everything better.
9) Good luck finding a job without using them nowadays. And I guess you've never used them since document inspector works perfectly fine with compiled sources.
And if you're not happy, Mr-know-all, there is direct SASS support in both Chrome and Firefox since 2013.
And if you're that good at writing stylesheets, I am pretty sure you don't even need the inspector, don't you?
10) Again, I am sorry for your obsessions and frustration in life, but these are the business standards. Especially for designers who need access to intuitive libraries. There is no single job offer that doesn't require at least one framework.
Just to make you angrier than you already are, I'll tell you two words: Webflow and Anima.